For people who have no idea at all who "Nozomi Tojo" is, I'll give you a little background on her.
She is from the anime "Love Live! School Idol Project" and a member of the idol group "μ's".
She is mostly known as the "Spiritual Support" of the group, because she uses her cards that tell her "what the gods are thinking" and she supports everyone in the group.
Alrighty, now let's start with the people who only "like" her because of her "charm point":
Well, this will be the only time that I'll be talking about her chest or showing it on this blog cause that really doesn't affect why she is my #1 Waifu. It's nice I guess, but I could really care less.
Now for one of the reasons why she is my #1 Waifu:
She is the best idol in my opinion.
Now I know what you may be thinking "What! But she only supports and her voice sucks and she shouldn't even be in the group!" Well, let me tell you BUB. She is a supporter, but that's not all that she is good for. Also, the other idols are supporters too, really. It's just that Nozomi is mostly only known for her amazing support. Now, as for her voice. I do love Nozomi's voice, and I don't intend on saying she has the "best" voice out of everyone else. I still think that my top voices are:
Only putting top 5 cause I don't want to hurt people who's best girls are in the last 4. Now the last thing. I ask you, people who hate xbox one games Nozomi that much, why doesn't she deserve to be in the group? Is she really that useless in the group? Does she really not contribute at all? Or is it really just cause of her voice? ( ̄  ̄)
Another reason why she is my #1 Waifu:
She has the best personality out of everyone in the group.
I'm a sucker for girls that have a somewhat perverted personality. I don't know why I just love it so much. It's nice that she was also some comedic relief in the show and added something that no one was really expecting... Also look at this:
No other idol would even think of saying that. Oh lord she is really really funny.. Unless she is being serious, than hit me up my bb. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Something else I thought that was really interesting was how she always "went by the cards".
She's very interesting with this way that she uses the cards as her "communication with the gods". Which also brings me to another point. She is the reason why "μ's" is even called "μ's". Her cards were the ones who helped decide that she would give them that name suggestion, and at the time, the three girls loved the name and changed it to that.
Another reason why she is my #1 Waifu:
She is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.
I can honestly say, without a doubt in my mind, that she is the best looking idol in the group. She isn't the cutest one in the group, but that doesn't really change my opinion on her looks. She has a more mature look to her just like Eli, and her art design is so beautiful. I mean cmon.
You can't deny that that is a really beautiful card. I can't really find any other card that comes to mind that can top this one (art wise) and it is one of my top cards of her.
Now for the last reason cause this blog is super long and I don't want to make it too long:
I love her seiyuu.
Yes, the person who gave my #1 Waifu her voice. I also think that in the group, she is the seiyuu that looks most like her character. Which is also a big plus cause unblocked games.. Nozomi irl..
I also do enjoy her singing, as I mentioned before and I can't really imagine Nozomi with another voice.
Alright that was my blog. Thanks for reading if you read up until this point. (^ω^)